As Simple As Respect

Diversity, Respect and Inclusion In the Workplace

The As Simple As Respect DVD is one of the best corporate training programs available.

This easy-to-follow program features a series of workplace vignettes that illustrate disrespectful behavior and how to correct it. Both employees and managers will be able to use the seven commonsense Guidelines to discuss issues of respect in a diverse workplace as it relates to their own experience and behavior.

As Simple As Respect training video for workplace diversity training.

Key Learning Points:

  • Turn uncomfortable situations into learning opportunities
  • Religious or cultural beliefs don't justify disrespectful behavior toward coworkers
  • Just because expressions or words are commonly used, doesn’t mean they are acceptable
  • Be careful not to display or send potentially offensive materials on your computer
  • Judging people's abilities by their appearance can lead to discrimination
  • Cultural or ethnic stereotypes are offensive
  • Speak up against disrespect

As Simple As Respect, for respect, diversity and inclusion training.

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